Avoiding Gum Disease Could Help You Avoid Oral Health Disasters

Let’s face it. No one likes oral health disasters, and make no mistake, having gum disease could lead to serious oral health disasters if left untreated. Did you know, gum disease affects thousands of people each day and most don’t even realize their smile has gum disease? That is why it is vital to understand gum disease and take the proper steps to avoid it.

Our professional and friendly staff here at Advanced Dental in Mankato, Minnesota, wants to discuss the importance of gum disease and inform you of all the harm it can cause to your oral health. First, there are two types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that only affects your gums and the soft tissue area of your smile around your teeth. Periodontitis is more dangerous to your oral health. Periodontists affect your gums and the bone structure of your jaw bone that supports your teeth.

To help you understand the problems that can occur with gum disease easier, our team has developed this list of things that can happen to your smile if you develop gum disease and let it go untreated. This list includes:

-Red, swollen gums
-Bleeding gums
-Having loose teeth
-Pus coming from your gums
-Bad breath
-A change in your teeth and bite
-Losing a tooth
-Bone loss

Many things can cause gum disease. Some of these things include:

-Neglecting your brushing and flossing habits daily
-Avoiding your regular dental checkups
-Smoking or using any tobacco can increase risks and can lead to oral cancer
-Eating foods that are sticky and stick to your teeth.
-Having too much plaque and tartar buildup creating cavities
-Neglecting treatment of cavities
-Women who are pregnant are also at a higher risk, along with anyone suffering from diabetes, cancer, and other serious illness.

Luckily, this disease can be avoided and even reversed when caught early. Even after being discovered late, you can still treat this disease and obtain positive oral health once more. Having an oral health care plan is vital to keeping your health. That is why it is important to brush twice a day and floss each day to remove pesky bacteria and plaque hiding in your mouth. Visiting your dentist, Dr. Kevin Torbenson, & Drew Neumann twice a year is also essential in keeping your smile in healthy shape.

If you feel it’s time for an oral check-up, please call us today at 507-345-1284. Our professional team is happy to help you in any way we can.

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